Sparring is essential when you are training in any fighting art, be it for competition or general self defence.
This is the time when you will get to practice your skills against someone who has the same idea and intent as you, the key word being PRACTICE.
Often I’ve heard people say how they’ve knocked so and so out in sparring or how no one can touch them in their gym etc etc. This is not a good way to train in my opinion, therefore we do not condone this type of training at K-Star or K-Star Legacy.
Your sparring is a time for learning and honing your skills.
One of the biggest mistakes people make in sparring is thinking they have to hit their partner full pelt. This does nothing other than to make people think that you are a complete tit.
One of the biggest downsides to going hard in sparring is that you will get into a false sense of security. If you continuously go hard the chances are your partner isn’t really trying to do much other than survive the round, you will end up thinking you’re Superman when in reality you are not. All you will be used to is people running away from you, in a real fight this will not happen, that person has come to fight and you will not have the know how to deal with him.
You’re better going at about 50/60%, if either your partner or yourself gets caught with a good shot you can analyse how and why you were caught and address it, rather than being scared of being knocked out for making the slightest mistake.
Another down side is people will simply choose not to spar with you, this isn’t like top class boxing where their sparring partners get paid, these are your friends, peers and stable mates, if they don’t want to spar you they simply will not.
Sparring at a steady level and letting go of your ego will also mean that you can practice things that you wouldn’t normally use.
I often handicap myself in sparring when I want to work on a certain technique, like I may only use left body kick for the whole round for example. Even if I’m getting panned through out the round I will continue with what I’m doing. Not allowing my ego to take over and go back to what I know best just so that I can be on top.
Situation sparring is another good one, this is where you allow yourself to be put in a certain position such as being trapped on the ropes or constantly being clinched and learning how to deal with it.
Always being on top in sparring has it’s downfalls in the ring. If you are in control during a contest then there isn’t a problem but if at any stage the fight becomes hard, you will not have the knowledge on how to turn the situation around.
Being king of the gym is no big feat, during your training you should be looking at learning and improving to become king in your sport.
Below is some of the best fighters in the world showing how its done.
Being the safest spar in the gym, I think I might print this off and stick it on the wall. Great article!
Another great article – thanks Damien. I’ll be forwarding this to all of my training partners as well!
Excellent article Damien our philosophy too at Wicker Camp.
Word for word every bit of that article is so true I always give a little lecture about control before everyone spars at my club,I tell them that it’s about learning and not hurting,I also remind everyone that they are sparring with their mates and it’s not a fight we save that for the ring…the ones that don’t listen usually lack skill and tire quickly…the ones that listen stay relaxed,have skill and hardly break into a sweat!
sparring/war games : active meditation.
seeing warriors “calm” in the face of conflict.
whats so interesting about it?
to quote: a peasant saw a man walking, who had a presence.
The peasant took up the courage to speak with this man and asked him, are you a king? are you a general? are you wealthy business man?
The man replied I am AWAKE.
That man was “buddha”
Nice article, and on point too
I really like this article. I have been there before myself and it is hard at times to not want to Win when your getting rocked. But this forsure helps reading post like this one 🙂 Being in control of your body and mind is most important
Why was my post from earlier not passed by the moderator?
Hi John your comment wasn’t posted on this blog but on the “Don’t train not to be hit, train on how you react when you get hit” blog.
If you look at the video where buakaw spars saenchai, looks like he’s got a very big ego
A lot of the Thais I’ve spoken to have all said Buakaw is a little bit above himself now
Hi Damien,
What perfect timing for this of my new students told me about it. being a new club I have new guys coming in and there all trying to belt crap out of each other. For instance I have 2 blokes both in the 90kg bracket, neither of who want to fight but are quiet content to try knock the crap out of everybody!! although we keep trying to illustrate to calm down, it seems to fall on def ears. the other smaller guys down want to lose face and there pride takes over and at times end up with pound for pound power crashing into to them and ending up second best. its a constant battle trying to educate people in what your saying. I’m a true believer of what your blog says and theres a time for heave sparring and in my experience its planned and organised in advance so you know flu well what to expect. Im printing this blog and giving it to all my guys to show, its not just me. Thanks
Spot on article- thanks damion
This is the best article I’ve ever read on the subject of sparring.
imho sudsakorn in the video seems to have the best “attitude”, while buakaw tries always to stay at the top..maybe it’s just me or maybe they are really playing..
Saying Joe is the safest spar in the gym is like saying Vanilla ice didn’t suck.
Safe, Fun, skills and progress with learning from each others and create new techniques and ideas.Excellent topic.
This article is great! I've always tried to to follow the same principles when sparring. More people need to read this and adhere to these rules when sparring.
I feel like a lot of fighters are never taught how to properly spar to get the most benefits from each training session.
Excellent Article mate.
really good read, its so fuckin true though, alot of people just cant go easy.
really good topic so true.
Good article on sparring. I know quite a few that should read this and take its advice…
Pixi Pickthall werd to your werd!
Really good article.
What a GREAT write up about Sparring!