John Wayne Parr Blessed with Venom documentary

STARRING 9 TIME WORLD CHAMPION JOHN WAYNE “THE GUNSLINGER” PARR! From his rigorous training in primitive conditions in Thailand, to the heights of his awe-inspiring championships throughout the world, “Blessed With Venom” is the intimate and thrilling journey of...

Shin on Shin: Kickboxing Documentary series.

This is a great documentary series which was made by Steven ‘Warman’ Wright who some of you may recognise as Lordgaul from his popular podcast on all things kick fighting. This documentary has been in the pipeline for a few years so it’s great to...

Buffalo Girls: Muay Thai Documentary

The trailers for this documentary have been floating around for awhile now and finally here it is. The extract below is taken form the actual Buffalo Girls website. ​In rural Thailand, the buffalo is a revered animal to the farmers who work with and care for them....

Muay Thai documentary: Torn Cloth film trailer

I’ve just stumbled across a great looking documentary focusing on a group of orphan Thai children fighting their way out of poverty. The release date is yet to finalised by Ronin Films but take a look at the trailer to see what you think….enjoy Documentary...