MTGP Legend ReturnsI thought it was about time I wrote a post about my pending return.

If you haven’t heard yet I shall be returning to the ring next year on the 26th March 2016.

As I’ve said on a few occasions I never officially retired. I merely took a little time out to focus on my gym and start a family.

As everyone knows your family become your priority so I had to make sure everything was in place for them to be comfortable before I accepted any fight offers.

I put a status up on Facebook explaining this after I heard a few rumours flying around and just wanted to set the record straight.

The following morning I awoke to an offer from an old friend of mine and the promotor of Muay Thai Grand Prix Mr Keiran Keddle.

All the message said was “The question is
do you fancy fighting on March 26th in London lol”

Everything just fitted perfectly with this offer. The fight would be 5 months away which means I have adequate time to get in to shape before I have to start fight training. I’ll be 36 next month so I’m at a stage where I have to train just to be able to train. My girlfriend will be leaving work after Christmas giving me the time needed during the day to prepare, something I’ve not been able to do since my son was born. Then of course there’s having Keiran Keddle as the promotor.

I’ve known Keiran for around 20yrs and I trust he’ll have my best interests at heart, not to mention he always puts on fantastic events so I’m more than happy to make my return on his promotion.

I have to say I was shocked at the response the official announcement got. Within the first hour there were 800 shares and by the end of the morning there were over 1500.

There have been some pretty huge fight announcements in November but none got the attention that this one did. I’ve always believed I still have more to give but I’m truly humbled to see that so many people feel the same….thank you.

The faith that my supporters have in me has made me even more determined to put on an unforgettable performance.

Tickets will be available soon so please contact me via Facebook, Twitter or Instagram for more details.