The second tutorial I did for the warrior collective was going over five different combination drills on the bag.

The extract below is taken from their official website.

What is the Warrior Collective?

The Warrior Collective is an online resource collecting tutorials, information, skills and drills from an ever growing collection of martial arts styles, groups and instructors from across the UK and the world.

The legacy of every martial arts instructor or coach although different will share one key component, the desire to teach and pass on their own knowledge and experience to further better other peoples lives and help develop their training and application of their particular art form. The Warrior Collective is a free resource aiming to pool contributions (these can be on anything that the instructor wishes i.e. drills, fitness, pad work etc) from every martial arts style, group or instructor in the world, that they would like to share with both the martial arts community and the general public. Each contributing instructor or gym will have their own page within the site giving a bio and any other relevant details alongside the vids they have filmed. We at the Warrior Collective are happy if available to visit anywhere and film/shoot in order to help achieve these aims. Anyone can request a visit from our film crew or upload their own contributions via our website in order to gain entry to the Warrior Collective.

I hope you enjoy the video and make sure to check out their YouTube channel for a large selection of martial art tutorials.